14/12/09 Restoration News:
A report for the October working weekend on D5705 has been added here and the report for D8233 from November is here. The next working weekend is 28/29 November - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
14/12/09 Sales News:
The Society has a number of copies of the latest issue of Heritage Railway Miles & Chains to sell in order to raise funds for D8233. This useful book can be ordered via our shop page
14/11/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D8233 over the working weekend of 10-11 October. A report for this is here. The next working weekend is 28/29 November - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
23/10/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D5705 over the working weekend of 25-26 September. A report for this is here. The next working weekend is 24/25 October - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
16/10/09 Society News:
The society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on November 14th at the 'Standard Fayre' at the East Lancashire Works on Baron Street, Bury. Proceedings start at 2pm and all C15PS members are welcome to attend.
28/9/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D8233 over the working weekend of 12-13 September. A report for this is here. A new temporary storage area and workshop has been constructed at Baron Street adjacent to both locos - a working party report for this is here. The next working weekend is 10/11 October - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
5/9/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D5705 over the working weekend of 29-30 August. A report for this is here. The next working weekend is 12/13 September - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
4/9/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D8233 over the working weekend of 15-16 August. A report for this is here. The next working weekend is 12/13 September - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
3/9/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 1-2 August. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 12/13 September - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
17/8/09 Restoration News:
The working weekend dates later in the year have been changed and are as follows:
Novemeber dates are
14th & 15th (D8233) 14th is AGM day
28th & 29th (D5705)
Decemeber date
12th & 13th (D8233)
1/8/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 18-19 July. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 15/16 August - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
31/7/09 Sales News:
A new selection of Class 15 related ceramic mugs bearing locos and images associated with our loco have been produced and can be ordered from the shop page
31/7/09 MSTS News:
A patch has been issued to correct minor software glitches in the C15PS produced MSTS North Wales Coast Pack - download the patch here. This resolves problems highlighted on the UKTS forums, details in the README included in the zip. This patch does not overwrite patch 5, users who do not have a V1.05 on the DVD disc will need to also install patch 5 if not done so. Users who have a V1.06 on the DVD disc do not need to install this patch. To install simply run the nwc_patch_6.exe and follow the on screen instructions.
22/7/09 Restoration News:
A report from a recent work party on D5705 is here. The next working weekend is August 1/2 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
11/7/09 Restoration News:
A report from a recent work party on D8233 is here. The next working weekend is July 18/19 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
11/7/09 MSTS News:
A patch has been issued to correct minor software glitches in the C15PS produced MSTS North Wales Coast Pack - download the patch here. This patch replaces all previously issued and full details are here
7/7/09 MSTS News:
Due to high demand for the North Wales Coast pack we have unfortunatley run out of stock and any orders placed from today will not be dispatched until sometime next week. We apologise for this but hope to have the backlog cleared as soon as possible.
5/7/09 MSTS News:
The C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ North Wales Coats add-on pack is now available. More details and how to order can be found on our shop page. Purchasers of the pack will also need to download and install this patch.
29/6/09 Restoration News:
The first of the traction motor blowers has been overhauled by a society member. The work is taking place away from Bury and a report on the work so far is here
28/6/09 Restoration News:
A report from a recent work party on D5705 is here. The next working weekend is July 4/5 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
28/6/09 Sales News:
During the July ELR Diesel Event the C15PS Sales Stand will be out on Bury Bolton Street platform for the duration from July 3-5. As well as the usual mix of Class 15 and other railway related items the stand will also be selling the new, C15PS produced, North Wales Coast Add-on Pack for Microsoft Train Simulator (which will also be available from this site from July 6th). Additionally If you have any items you could donate to the society for sale on the sales stand please contact Jason Lovell
14/6/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D8233 over the working weekend of 23/24 May. A report is here. The next working weekend is 20/21 June- if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
2/6/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 9/10 May. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 6/7 June- if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
19/5/09 Generator Appeal:
We are now half way to our total! The Generator Fund totaliser currently stands at £10,304. A fantastic effort in four months and a massive thanks to those who have donated so far - donations have ranged from four figure sums to £1 sent in cash - it all counts, but we need to do the same again to reach our target. Can you send us a tenner? or perhaps set up a standing order for £1 a month? Remember all donations over £15 qualify for a years membership of the society. Complete a Gift Aid Form and make your money go further. Details on how to donate are here.
17/5/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration D8233 over the weekend of April 25/26. A report is here. The next working weekend is 23/24 May- if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
19/4/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 11/12 April. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 25/26 April - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
16/4/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 28/29 March. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 25/26 April - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
23/3/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 14/15 March as well as prepare and crew trains for the ELR Nightrider Event. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is 28/29 March - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
23/3/09 Generator Appeal:
We are almost a quarter of the way to achieving our target for the Generator Appeal. A page detailing progress is here. The C15PS is most grateful for the generous donations to date although there is a long way to go - details on how to contribute towards the goal of seeing D8233 haul trains again are here
11/3/09 Generator Appeal:
The society are auctioning the chance to have a cab ride on D8233's first passenger train in preservation. All monies raised will go towards the C15PS Generator Appeal . Details on how to bid are here
5/3/09 Restoration News:
A report from the last working party on D8233 is here. The next working weekend is March 14/15 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
4/3/09 Restoration News:
A report from a recent mid-week work party on D5705 is here. The next working weekend is March 14/15 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
21/2/09 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 14/15 February. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is February 28/1st March - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
7/2/09 Restoration News:
A report from the recent working weekend on D8233 is here. The next working weekend is February 14/15 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
21/1/09 Generator Appeal:
The generator set was sent to Dowding and Mills for assessment last October and although initial signs were good further inspections revealed that the auxiliary generator had major degrading of the insulation which had rotted away after years of outdoor storage. Unfortunately that was not the only bad news. The Main Generator inter-poles (of which there are six) were not correctly functioning and the machine will require an expensive re-wind.
Dowding's have been asked to split the inter-poles down to assess the damage but the society is expecting to have to raise in the region of £20,000 to be able to pay for these repairs along with the general overhaul of both main and auxiliary generators.
If we cannot raise this sum then D8233 will not run again! Therefore an appeal has been launched to raise money to pay for the repairs and details of this are here
20/1/09 Restoration News:
The first working party of 2009 was to be concentrated on D5705 and a work report is here. As there was a good turnout for D5705, we were able utilise two volunteers on D8233 also; Jim Gough and Kris Mason were able to progress the No1 End Traction Motor Blower modifications and the channel that will mount the traction motor blower was drilled and had nuts welded to the inside of it. At the next working weekend it is planned to have the mounts welded to the floor and the TMB bolted down.
The next working weekend is 31 Jan/1st Feb - - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
24/12/08 Restoration News:
Reports from the last two working weekends on D8233 are here and here. The next working weekend is January 17/18 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
19/12/08 Society News:
The Society held its AGM on November 29th and David Mylett was elected to the position of publicity officer replacing Ritchie Davison who did not stand for re-election. The society welcomes David to the committee and thanked Ritchie for his work during his time in the position.
Working Party Dates for 2009 on both D8233 and D5705 are as follows;
17/18 January
31 January/1 February
14/15 February
28 February/1 March
14/15 March
28/29 March
11/12 April
25/26 April
9/10 May
23/24 May
6/7 June
20/21 June
4/5 July
18/19 July
1/2 August
15/16 August
29/30 August
12/13 September
26/27 September
10/11 October
24/25 October
If you want to get involved in this unique preservation project please contact Chris Tatton
15/11/08 Society News:
The Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on November 29th at the White Lion Public House, Bolton Street, Bury. Proceedings start at 2pm and all C15PS members are welcome to attend.
13/11/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 8/9 November. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekend is November 29/30 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
07/11/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 25/26 October. A report for D8233 is here and D5705 is here. The next working weekends are November 8/9 & 29/30 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
23/10/08 D5705 News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of D5705 during a midweek work day on October 14. A report is here If you wish to lend a hand on D5705 please contact Chris Tatton
18/10/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 4/5 October. A report for D8233 is here. The next working weekend is October 25 & 26 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
The generator set removed from the loco last year was collected from Bury on the 15th and has been delivered to a contractor for specialist overhaul. A report is here
26/09/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 20/21 September. A report for D8233 is here and a report for D5705 is here. The next working weekend is October 4 & 5 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
12/09/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 6/7 September. A report for D8233 is here and a report for D5705 is here. The next working weekend is September 20/21 - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
01/09/08 Restoration News:
Volunteers made progress with the restoration of both locos over the working weekend of 23/24 August. A report for D8233 is here and a report for D5705 is here. The next working weekend is September 6th & 7th - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
22/08/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on August 9 & 10 is here. Volunteers made progress with the restoration of D8233. The next working weekends are Aug 23rd/24th and Sep 6th/7th- if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
11/08/08 D5705 News:
A report from the recent working weekends held on Co-Bo D5705 are here. This new section will be kept up to date in the same manner as with D8233. The next working weekend on D5705 & D8233 is Aug 23rd & 24th - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
25/07/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on July 19 & 20 is here. Volunteers made progress with the restoration of D8233. The next working weekend is Aug 9th & 10th - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
12/07/08 Restoration News:
Since the last report on the failed engine start-up there hasn't been much progress on D8233 itself. The main problem has been that the loco has been stored at the south end of Baron Street and inaccessible to the restoration team. After consideration of the costs involved in proceeding with the engine start up, the society has decided that at this time the money would be better invested elsewhere on the loco.
This doesn't mean the group hasn't been busy, the regular volunteers have been attending the fortnightly working weekends as normal although concentrating their work on the Co-Bo D5705, on which there has already been good progress tidying up the engine bed plate and applying green primer.
A report of recent work on D8233 and the support coach is here
The next working weekend on both locos is next weekend (19/20 July) and dates for the remainder of the year listed below
Aug 9th & 10th
Aug 23rd & 24th
Sep 6th & 7th
Sep 20th & 21st
Oct 4th & 5th
Oct 18th & 19th (diesel gala, sales stand manning)
Oct 25th & 26th
Nov 8th & 9th
Nov 29th & 30th
Dec 13th & 14th
if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
12/07/08 Sales News:
During the nine day ELR Diesel Event the Sales Stand was out on Bury platform for the duration and was providing much needed income for the group, many thanks to Jason and his helpers for manning the stand for the entire event. If you have any items you could donate to the society for sale on the sales stand please contact Jason Lovell
19/05/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on May 9 & 10 is here. Volunteers had planned to start D8233's engine but problems with the air starters prevented this, however progress was still made with the restoration. The next working weekend is 24/25 May - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
25/04/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on April 12-13 is here. Volunteers completed the rebuild of the cooler group and continue to prepare the engine for start up. The next working weekend is 26-27 April - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
02/04/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on March 29-30 is here. Volunteers again spent the weekend working on the new engine and re-assembling the cooler group. The next working weekend is 12-13 April - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
A few previously unseen photos featuring Class 15's at work on the GE in the 1960's have been added to the site here
18/03/08 Restoration News:
The Class 15 Preservation Society, the ELR Diesel Department and the Co-Bo Locomotive Group are pleased to announce that agreement has been reached for the same team and project leader currently D8233 to under take the initial restoration on unique Co-Bo D5705 also based at the ELR.
Both projects have similar restoration needs, therefore running the initial restorations side by side utilising the vast skill base within the ELR diesel department and Class 15 Preservation Society will benefit both projects. There may also be financial benefits for both locos in the form of discounted sub-contract work based on volume.
The successful format of organised fortnightly working weekends on the Class 15 will now also become D5705 working weekends when manpower is available. D5705 will be shunted into position with D8233 at the Loco Works site on the ELR in early May so work can begin. Ownership and funding will remain seperate for both projects and progress reports for D5705 will be posted on www.d5705.org.uk
As always volunteers are needed on both locos - if you wish to get involved then please contact our volunteer liaison Chris Tatton on volunteering@d8233.org.uk
04/03/08 Restoration News:
A team of C15PS volunteers spent last Thursday working on D8233, concentrating on fitting the damper, clutch and fan drive shaft to the free end of the power unit. A progress report is here. The next working weekend is 15th/16th March - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
22/02/08 Restoration News:
A team of C15PS volunteers spent today working on D8233, concentrating on the cooler group. A progress report is here. The next working weekend is 15th/16th March - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
19/02/08 MSTS News:
The next C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack is Class 40's in Blue and features 26 class 40 loco - all in BR Blue livery. The pack features Air and Vacuum Cabviews with 6 Soundsets - so each 40 doesn't sound the same as the last! There are activities for the following routes; Caldervale, North West England V2, Scottish Central, Settle and Carlise & Yorkshire Coast. More details and how to order can be found on our shop page.
15/02/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on February 9-10 is here. Volunteers again spent the weekend working on the new engine and re-assembling the cooler group. The next working weekend is 23-24 February - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
07/02/08 Restoration News:
04/02/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on January 26-27 is here. Volunteers again spent the weekend working on the new engine in preparation for the planned start up later this year. The next working weekend is 9-10 February - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
19/01/08 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on January 12-13 is here. Volunteers spent time working on the newly installed engine in preparation for the planned start up later this year. The next working weekend is 26-27 January and and planned working weekends for the next few months are detailed below - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
Forthcoming D8233 working weekends at Bury :-
9th/10th February
23/24th February
15th/16th March
29th/30th March
12th/13th April
26th/27th April
10th/11th May
24th/25th May
03/12/07 MSTS News:
The next C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack is Baby Deltics and features the 10 Baby Deltics D5900 - D5909 in Early BR Green, BR Green and BR Blue liveries. Cabviews and soundpack and BR M1 coaches in Maroon and Blood & Custard plus a selection of freight stock. There are activities for the following routes; East Coast Express, ELR, SVR, WSR, Burton & Derby (available from uktrainsim.com). More details and how to order can be found on our shop page.
26/11/07 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend held on November 17-18 is here. The next working weekend is 1-2 December - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
25/11/07 Society News:
The Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on December 1st at White Lion Public House, Bolton Street, Bury. Proceedings start at 2pm and all C15PS members are welcome to attend.
28/10/07 Restoration News:
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A big milestone in the restoration of our locomotive took place during the October working week when the stripped Paxman 16YHXL engine was craned out and a fully operational replacement unit was installed. Please click on the following links for full reports on the work carried out. October 12-14 October 14-19 & October 20-21
The next working weekend was scheduled for 3rd & 4th of November, however the team have decided we need a rest to let our bodies and wallets recuperate, so the next working weekend will be 17-18 November. If you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
1/10/07 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend is here. As well as the ongoing restoration work, C15PS volunteers continued to get D8233 ready for the planned power unit lift which will take place during this months working week from October 12-22. If you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
15/09/07 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend, where volunteers concentrated on making D8233 ready for the planned power unit change next month, is here. The next working weekend is 23-24 September - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
13/09/07 Restoration News:
The fan and fan drive has arrived back from overhaul at Solutions Engineering Ltd. More here
11/09/07 MSTS News:
The next C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack is Deltic Six and features all six preserved production deltics in their various guises over the years along with cabview, sounds and acts for East Coast Express parts 1&2, East Lancs Railway, Severn Valley and West Somerset add-ons (available from uktrainsim.com). More details and how to order can be found on our shop page.
29/08/07 Restoration News:
The society is pleased to announce that a dedicated team has been formed to design, source and build a new electrical cubicle for D8233 replacing the items lost during its time in storage at Crewe. The team is is headed up by ELR volunteers Steve Foster and Alan Lee who will work on the project seperately from the main loco restoration thereby speeding up the locos return to working order.
The new cubicle will in essence be conventional and very similar to the old
one, and with the benefit of the new cable and equipment chosen, should be
very long lasting and reliable.The next working weekend on D8233 is 8-9 September - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
08/08/07 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend where volunteers concentrated on the continuing work to re-assemble D8233's cooler group is here. The next working weekend is 25-26 August - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
06/08/07 Restoration News:
A report of the C15PS working week that took place at the end of July is here. Volunteers continued to re-assemble D8233's cooler group which is now well on the way to completion. The next working weekend is 25-26 August - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
23/07/07 MSTS News:
We are pleased to announce that we can accept orders for two new
Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on packs; ELR Classic Traction and Blue Deltics! More details and how to order can be found on our shop page.
03/07/07 Sales News:
We are pleased to announce that we can accept orders for Preserved Heritage Traction, a book that details all preserved diesel & electric locomotives plus multiple units of British Rail origin and its constituent companies. By purchasing through the C15PS a substantial donation will go towards the restoration of D8233. More details and how to order can be found on our shop page.
The C15PS sales stand will be out at Bury Bolton Street during this weeks five day Diesel Event at the East Lancs Railway - please do come and support us.
21/06/07 Restoration News:
A report of the most recent working party report from Bury is here. Volunteers continued to re-assemble D8233's cooler group. The next working weekend is 21/22 July - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
05/06/07 Restoration News:
A report from the last working weekend where volunteers concentrated on the continuing work to re-assemble D8233's cooler group is here. The next working weekend is 16/17 June - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
05/06/07 MSTS News:
The C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack Peak Power is currently out of stock. We are still accepting orders for this product but orders will not be dispatched until later this month once stocks are replenished.
29/05/07 Restoration News:
A report of recent work to begin re-assembling D8233's cooler group is here. The next working weekend is 2/3 June - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
17/05/07 Restoration News:
A report of recent work carried out on the loco at Bury is here. The next working weekend is 26/27 May - if you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
15/05/07 MSTS News:
The next C15PS produced Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack will be Deltic Blue and will
feature all 22 production deltics in BR Blue guises (apart from 55002 which is in the green it carried in early 80's) along with BR Blue & Grey Mk1's and activities for the default S&C, Mid East 1.4 and North West England routes (available from uktrainsim.com). We expect this pack to be available by late June priced at £10 plus P&P. A preview is here
09/05/07 MSTS News:
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting orders for the Microsoft Train Simulator™ add-on pack Green Deltics! via post or PayPal! More here and a YouTube video of the pack is here
02/05/07 Restoration News:
D8233 working weekends at Bury for this year are
26th & 27th May
2nd & 3rd June
16th & 17th June
21st & 22nd July
4th & 5th of August
25th & 26th August
8th & 9th September
23rd& 24th September
12th & 21st October (Working Week)
3rd & 4th Nov
17th & 18th Nov
1st & 2nd Dec
If you wish to lend a hand please contact Chris Tatton
31/04/07 Site Updates:
A report of the working weekend of 28/29 April is here
03/04/07 Site Updates:
A report of the working weekend of 1-2 April is here. Photos of the overhauled Oil Priming Pump are here
20/03/07 Site Updates:
A report of the working weekend of 17/18 March is here
25/02/07 Site Updates:
A report of the working weekend of 23/24 February is here
04/02/07 Site Updates:
A report of the working weekend of 3/4 February is here
11/11/06 AGM News:
The Annual General Meeting was held today, at which twenty one members attend, a number of updates were provided, a couple of appointments and changes to the committee were accepted, and a number of revisions to the existing constitution agreed.
02/08/06 Restoration News:
First component fully overhauled. We are delighted to inform you that the fan drive gearbox has arrived back from Solutions engineering Ltd.
05/08/06 Restoration News:
We are delighted to inform that the replacement Paxman 16YHXL unit purchased from Beta Generators, arrived at Castlecroft Yard in Bury on the 1st of August from Glasgow. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Geoff at Beta Plant for his time and patience. The power unit is protected from the elements at Castlecroft until work is at a stage where the original power unit from D8233 can be placed alongside to swap relevant pipework etc. over to the new one. We hope to be able to take advantage of the air starters, and run the power unit up on the ground for testing purposes in the near future. Photos of the engine are available on this progress report. Photo here
02/06/06 Restoration News:
We are very pleased to be able to announce that we have secured the long term loan of 2 "Fruit Machine" controllers, this represents another major step forward for the society with regard to missing components. We wish to extend our thanks to all involved in The Bury Type Two Group (24054) & Keith Buckley, who stored the Driver Controller as a spare for the 24061 Preservation Group. Many thanks go to Bob Fussey of the NYMR and the Bury Diesel Group for Transport of the Driver Controller from Grosmont to Bury. Both controllers are in need of overhaul and fortunately Brian Baily who was involved in the work on D8233 during its time at Crewe has recently joined the society and volunteered to overhaul both of the units. Photo here
02/06/06 Site Updates:
We are now accepting orders for "Peak Power" our second add-on pack for Microsoft Train Simulator. More details here. Also report and photos from the mini working weekend of 27 & 28/05/06 added.
16/05/06 Site Updates:
Photos of the working weekend on 13 & 14/05/06 added here. Mouse mat added to the Sales page.
15/05/06 Site Updates:
Report of the working weekend on 13 & 14/05 added here. Sales page updated to include our latest sales items of 4 designs of mug and a cap as well as including a Paypal shopping basket and printable mail-order form.
07/05/06 Site Updates:
A few updates to the web site, with the working weekend report for the mini working weekend of 22 & 23/04/06 added here. Photo galleries added for the last 2 working weekends here and here. Additional photo of ADB968000 added here and D8233 here.
04/03/06 Restoration News:
We are pleased to announce that we have made another major step forward towards restoring D8233 to operating condition with the securing of a working replacement Paxman 16YHXL engine. The engine was sourced via Geoff Davies of Beta Generators in Stockport and inspected by representatives of the society on 01/03/06. The engine has been used as a static alternator set and is believed to be one of the ex BR ones. Our plan is once it has been transported to Bury to fit the traction governor from D8233s engine connect a temporary fuel supply and cooling system then run the engine up to prove it then place it in dry secure storage until the loco is ready for the power unit fitting. Acquiring this engine will undoubtedly pay huge dividends for us by reducing the time and work needed to restore D8233 as well as putting us in the position of effectively having 2 engines. A few photos of the replacement engine are here.
At Bury work has continued with a mini working weekend being held on the 25 & 25/02/06. The work performed included the completion of the removal of the rest of the body side doors from D8233 and the start of removing the smaller external fittings along with more work towards completing the fitting out of our support coach and safe storage of the components already removed from D8233. We would like to extend a huge thank you at all involved in helping us to secure the replacement engine as well as the team of volunteers that attended the mini working weekend.
12/02/06 Restoration News:
Saturday 11/02/06 was the day of the big shunt to position D8233 and our support coach in to the agreed position at Buckley Wells, this shunt involving moving everything on the line at the side of the old EMU shed to allow D8233 and our coach to be shunted down to the far end, the opportunity was also taken to reposition the vehicles already there In to more favourable positions for the groups involved in them.
On Sunday 12/02/06 a start made on D8233 its self with all the body side doors on one side being removed before D8233 was sheeted over to protect it from the elements, Inside the support coach several of the lose components were moved to new storage positions giving us room for not only to store more components as they are removed from D8233 but also giving us a clear workshop area within the coach. A few more photos of the weekend added here.
10/02/06 Restoration News:
D8233 was today successfully moved by road from Crewe to its new home at Bury arriving In Bury around lunchtime. Click here to view a gallery of photos from the move. Tomorrow will see D8233 shunted in to position next to our support coach. We would like to offer our thanks to all involved in making the move go smoothly.
30/01/06 MSTS News:
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting orders for the MSTS add-on pack via post or PayPal! Orders placed before will be posted out after 06/02/06, and it will also be available to buy on ebay after 06/02/06.
27/01/06 Site Update:
Photos added to both the Class 15 gallery and the D8233 gallery.
16/01/06 Site Update:
More photos added to the move gallery.
15/01/06 News:
The Class 15 Preservation Society is pleased to announce we have now secured a long-term restoration base for D8233 at The East Lancashire Railway.
Over the weekend of the 14th and 15th of January all loose parts including the exhausters and traction motors were moved from Crewe to our new home at Bury. A few photos of the weekends work can be found here. We would like to offer a big thank you to Martin Walker, Beaver Sports Yorkshire, The Railway Age Crewe, The Bury Diesel Group, The East Lancashire Railway Steam Department, The East Lancashire Railway, as well as all who attended on the 14th and 15th without who this first but important step in the restoration of D8233 would not have been possible.
D8233 will be moving to our new home shortly so the restoration can start in earnest.
23/12/05 News:
The Class 15 Preservation Society is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached to ensure that Class 15 D8233 (Currently at the Railway Age, Crewe) is returned to operational condition with the ownership of the locomotive having passed to the C15PS from the previous custodians, The Waterman Heritage Railway Trust.
The society wish to thank the contribution made by the WHRT, and we aim to build upon the work carried out so far. A team of dedicated volunteers is ready with the goal of returning this unique loco to operational condition and operating the loco at heritage railways.
However, the scale of the task we have taken on should not be understated. This is a long-term project and it will not be an easy restoration to undertake, mainly because much of the original traction control equipment was removed during the locos conversion to a train heating unit. Fortunately, due to the WHRT acquiring a number of suitable replacement traction motors as well as many other spares, along with the numerous offers of help and support which Project D8233 has received in the months since the group was formed, we are now in a position to move forward and make resurrecting this unique survivor from the "Modernisation Plan" a reality!
Thanks to an intake of new members from the "Project D8233" group, The Class 15 Preservation Society is now re-launched with a newly elected committee. The "Project D8233" name will however live on as the name given to the restoration team.